Report from Rwanda
For Vårdassistans, community involvement has always been an important issue. Since 2013, we have, among other things, supported Plan Sweden in their work to build and run preschools in Rwanda.
In the village of Nyaruguru, where the preschools have been built, "Day of the African child" was celebrated on 16 June. This is a day that since 1991 celebrates education and development for children and young people. This year, this day was celebrated by children, parents and leaders from the village gathering and celebrating together. The village mayor and other leaders in the district were given a tour of the premises and at the ceremony, all the children, to their great joy, each received a backpack and a water bottle.
The program manager for Plan Rwanda was on site and together with the mayor they talked about the benefits of letting the children go to preschool instead of working in the fields with the parents. Many parents were present and all agreed that it was a very successful gathering.
The care assistance's collaboration with Plan continues and the purpose of this is to continuously improve the children's conditions for an education.
"One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai