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FAQ about working as an occupational therapist/physiotherapist

We often receive the same questions from different people. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. If you’re still unsure about something, please feel free to just call us. Clarity and understanding are something we’re passionate about.

What kind of competence development do you offer occupational therapists & physiotherapists?

How long has Agila been operating?

How often do you pay occupational therapists & physiotherapists?

In what fields do you have jobs for occupational therapists & physiotherapists?

Can you provide testimonials?

How can I see what jobs are available?

What documents etc. do you need if I want to work for Agila?

Why should I work as an occupational therapist/physiotherapist for a staffing agency?

Why should I work as an occupational therapist/physiotherapist for Agila?

How do you quality assure the occupational therapists & physiotherapists who work for you?

Do you work with people who are studying to become occupational therapists/physiotherapists?

What is the length and scope of assignments you offer?

Do I organise my own travel and accommodation if I work away?

What is your quality management system?

Are you environmentally certified?

Why did you change names from Vårdassistans to Agila?

Wondering what we can do for you? Enter your info below and we will contact you.